Major benefits & Key features of Home Loan.

  1. Fitment expertise to ensure higher eligibility achievement.
  2. Repayment tenure designed to comfort up to 30 years* .
  3. Best interest rates on your home loan.
  4. Balance Transfer and top up specialists.
  5. Careful in meeting deal timelines.
  6. Post disbursal hand holding.
Building image showing the company

Aadhya - Quick Housing Loan Provider


Credit History

  • Past credit history is checked for all borrowers.
  • Satisfactory credit history helps in faster processing of loan.
  • Good credit history also helps in getting better interest rate on loan.
Property Value

  • For loan amount up to 30 Lakhs LTV can be up to 90% of property value.
  • For loan amount above 30 lakhs and up to 75 Lakhs LTV can be up to 80% of property value.
  • For loan amount above 75 Lakhs Maximum LTV will be up to 75% of property value.
Repayment Capacity

  • Borrower should have stable income to repay the home loan.
  • Residual income of borrower is considered after paying present loan obligation if any for determining loan eligibility.
  • Income of Spouse and immediate relatives* can be considered for deriving Loan eligibility.
  • Our understanding and expertise in matching repayment ability with partner institutions will be leveraged.
Title of Property

  • Property purchased should have clear and Marketable title.
  • Property should have been constructed with all required permission from approving authority.
  • Generally, under construction properties are pre-approved by lenders. In such properties title of property is not required to be re assessed.
  • The tenure of a home loan is restricted up to residual life of the property.
  • Generally, life of property considered in 50 years this may vary on property and structural stability report basis.

Simplest Process in Finance Industry

Features of Housing Loan

Home loan is for purchase of residential premises.

Property purchased is the collateral security for the loan. No additional security is required.

Flexible repayment suiting to the cashflow of borrower.

Tenure of loan can be up to 30 years in case of salaried borrower, and 25 years in case of self-employed borrowers.

Income of Spouses and immediate family members can be clubbed for eligibility purpose.

Borrower Can Avail Tax Benefits

Balance transfer of Home loan for better pricing and repayment flexibility


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We are there for your every financial need.

M-4/5, New Sunita CHS, Shivaji Nagar, B-Cabin Road, Naupada, Thane West 400602.